Re:consider New Haven

What is it?

Financial assistance for first-time homebuyers for down payment and closing costs. The amount of assistance provided to any low-income family cannot exceed the greater of six percent (6%) of the purchase price of a single family (1-4) housing unit or $10,000. The City will provide a zero (0%) interest forgivable loan that is forgiven at the rate of 20% per year, as of each anniversary of the loan’s execution date. At the end of the five-year loan period the loan is fully forgiven. The applicant may sell or transfer the property at any time during the monitoring time period; provided the balance of the loan is repaid to the City of New Haven or the property is sold /transferred to an individual who is willing to assume the balance and the terms and conditions of the loan. The deferred loan can be used for: down payment, closing cost or the combination of both down payment and closing cost.

What property qualifies?

The 1-4 four family property being purchased must be in New Haven, and must comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, and serve as the buyer’s primary residence. Investment properties are not eligible.

Who can qualify for a loan?

The buyer’s household income* must not exceed 80% of median family income for the New Haven/Meriden MSA, as adjusted for family size. The buyer must also be current on real and property taxes and must have already attained first mortgage financing commitment for the purchase of the home. In addition, the buyer must contribute a minimum of 2% of the purchase price of the property from his/her own or other non-City resources (Gifts/grants/loan programs).

What restrictions come with loan allocation?

The owner must occupy the home for the full term of the loan as his/her primary residence. First-time homebuyers must successfully complete a homebuyer-training seminar approved by the City.

Re:novate New Haven

What is it?

Financial assistance for costs related to housing energy efficiency and rehabilitation for the purpose of providing safe, decent and energy efficient living conditions.

What property qualifies?

The 1-4 four-unit property solely for residential use and is located in the City of New Haven.

Who can qualify and apply for a loan?

  • Owner of property located in the City of New Haven.
  • Owner has received a counseling certification in the last three (3) months for one (1) post purchase homeowner counseling course (i.e. Financial Literacy, Financial Planning, Home Maintenance and Energy Efficiency, Home Emergency Repairs and Home Improvements, Fair Housing and Credit Laws, Landlord and Tenant Relations, and Community Involvement) from Financial Empowerment Workshops, LLC, contracted by the City of New Haven and at no cost to homeowner.
  • Household income* must not exceed 120% of median family income for the New Haven/Meriden MSA, as adjusted for family size.
  • Owner has equity to secure the Assistance Loan.
  • All Applications will be considered, however, funding priority will be provided to those properties located in a geographically leveraged area (i.e. private and public investment, NSP target zones and/or multiple applications from same street to provide impact) and those properties that are Homeowner Occupied.

What restrictions come with loan allocation?

Depending on the funding source it could be Home regulations as stated in 24 CFR 92 and/or CDBG as stated in 24 CFR 570.202. With Home funding affordability period shall apply depending on the amount of the loan. LEAD funding maybe leveraged with the HOME eerap funds depending on the needs of the property. Funding is limited, however, the City of New Haven is seeking additional funding. City of New Haven staff will determine applicable funding source.

What are Eligible Activities?

  • Existing Housing Code Violations
  • Roof
  • Sealing cracks with weather-strip and caulk.
  • Insulating attics and walls.
  • Repairing windows and doors.
  • Replacing windows.
  • Repair furnace.
  • Retrofit furnace
  • In some cases, replacement of the furnace.
  • Façade (vinyl siding, porch repair, stoop repair, stoop/porch stair repair, wrought iron/wood railings, front door or storm door, shutters, awnings over front steps (closely related façade improvements as decide by LCI program staff).
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Other improvements deemed to enhance the health and safety of the structure (as determined by LCI program staff).

What are Ineligible Activities?

  • Luxury Items (pools, skylights, sheds, carports, gazebos, barns, fencing, landscaping and etc.)
  • Cosmetic Improvements (paint as it relates to change in color, wallpaper and ceramic tile or other ineligible uses determined by LCI program staff.)
  • Any other improvements that the City of New Haven deems ineligible.

What are the terms of the loan?

  • Owner-Occupant (Owner principal place of residence)
  • Up to Maximum Allowance of $25,000.00 ($10,000 Homeowner Unit and $5,000 each additional unit) deferred loan with a term of 10 years if in the first 5 years the property is sold, transferred or refinanced 100% of the allowance is due and payable. On the 6th anniversary date of the loan and each anniversary thereafter 20% of the allowance will be forgiven until the term expiration, however, if the Owner sells, transfers title or refinances the balance at that time of the allowance is due and payable.
  • Investor (Non-Owner Occupant)
  • 50/50 split of Energy Efficiency/rehabilitation with a Maximum Allowance of $10,000.00 to be repaid monthly at an interest rate of 3% for a term of 10 years.

Where can I get more information about the Energy Efficiency and Rehabilitation Assistance Program?

Livable City Initiative, 165 Church Street, New Haven, CT 06510 (203) 946-7090 or

General Information

A. Requirements of the property:
  1. Size: Property may have one, two, three, or four units.
  2. Property must comply with Federal, State and Local laws, including, but not limited to, building, housing and health codes and, in particular, laws regarding the abatement of lead-based paint, and asbestos, and other hazardous materials.
  3. Lead Abatement Standards
  4. Housing Quality Standards
  5. Property must be in the City of New Haven.
  6. Property must be in compliance with the Residential License Program, if applicable.
B. Requirements of the Owner of the property:
  1. Taxes: Buyer must be current on real and personal property taxes. A delinquent tax payment plan is not acceptable, full payment of taxes owed is required.
  2. Owner must be income eligible depending on available funding sources per HUD adjusted income limits for that year.

Livable City Invitiative, City of New Haven New Haven, 375th anniversary City of New Haven Economic Development

The Livable City Initiative is a neighborhood focused agency whose primary mission is to enhance the experience of the individuals who live and work in the City of New Haven.